Discover New Ways to Communicate With Someone With Alzheimer’s

A caregiver demonstrates one of many nonverbal ways to communicate with someone with Alzheimer’s by holding hands and sharing a warm smile.

Finding new ways to communicate with someone with Alzheimer’s can unlock deeper connections.

You ask an easy question: “What would you like for lunch today?” But instead of a response, you are met with hesitation, bewilderment, and a long pause. You have probably experienced occasions such as this while being a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s, where words seem just out of reach and conversations feel more like challenges than connections. When verbal communication begins to fade, it’s easy to feel helpless. But the truth is, connection doesn’t rely solely on words. There are some incredibly effective nonverbal ways to communicate with someone with Alzheimer’s that will help you stay connected to the person you love. Read more

Potassium May Lower Stroke Risk for Women

Learn how potassium may be able to lower stroke risk for women.

The banana you eat in the car on the way to work could be helping to reduce your risk of suffering a stroke! In a recent study of nearly 100,000 women ranging in age from 50 – 79, it was discovered that consuming a higher level of potassium resulted in a lower stroke risk for women by as much as 12%, and by 16% for the most common type – ischemic stroke. Not only that, but those with a higher potassium intake were 10% less likely to die from any cause.

It’s worth noting that blood pressure also played a role here. Those without high blood pressure showed even more promising results, a full 21% less likely to suffer from an ischemic stroke and 27% reduced risk of stroke altogether. This led researchers to suggest that those at risk of developing high blood pressure may benefit from increasing their intake of potassium to prevent future complications.

Great sources of potassium to help lower stroke risk for women include:

  • White beans
  • Bananas
  • Leafy greens
  • Sweet potatoes
  • White potatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Dairy foods
  • Meat

Remember, it’s important to consult your physician before making any dietary changes, including adding more potassium to your diet, as consuming too much can be dangerous, especially for the elderly and those with kidney disease.

Did you know Responsive Home Care offers meal planning and preparation services, in accordance with any prescribed dietary plan? We can help increase potassium in a senior’s diet to help lower stroke risk for women as they age.

There are a variety of other ways we can help improve quality of life for older adults, right in the comfort of home, such as:

  • Accompaniment to medical appointments and procedures, enjoyable outings – anywhere and anytime a senior needs or wants to go
  • Companionship for conversations, reminiscing, fun activities, exercising, and more to brighten each day and alleviate loneliness and isolation
  • Assisting with shopping for healthy food choices, picking up prescription refills, and more
  • Light housekeeping and laundry, to ensure a clean and organized home environment
  • Specialized care for those with chronic health needs, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, COPD, etc.
  • And so much more, according to each person’s individual needs

All of our services begin with a complimentary planning meeting in the senior’s home. This provides us with the opportunity to get to know the person and the challenges they are facing, and to create a customized plan of care to enhance safety, comfort, and independence.

Contact us online or call (954) 486-6440 to learn more about Responsive Home Care, the leading home health agency in Hollywood, FL and the nearby areas, and how we can make life the best it can be for someone you love!

An Experienced Home Care Aide May Help Your Elderly Loved One Eat Better

Experience really does make a difference in most professions. When it comes to elderly individuals or disabled adults who might need some assistance throughout the day, nothing is better than an experienced home care aide or other provider at keeping them safe and also helping them eat better.

Elderly Care Fort Lauderdale FL - An Experienced Home Care Aide May Help Your Elderly Loved One Eat Better

Elderly Care Fort Lauderdale FL – An Experienced Home Care Aide May Help Your Elderly Loved One Eat Better

March is National Nutrition Month and for somebody in their 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s, diet may not be the first thing on their mind. They may not think much about the kinds of foods they eat. After all, they made it to this point in their life in much the same way they had throughout most of their adult years, so what difference would it make if they continue to that have it now?

A home care aide with experience will understand a client’s diet.

Every client is going to be different and while one may have to avoid certain saturated fats or red meat or something else, another client may have to be focused on the types of drinks they consume throughout the day. Because that aide, who has worked with many seniors through the years, has had direct experience with these variety of diets and they can share insight and information about why it’s so important for their particular client to avoid or focus on certain foods and beverages.

An elderly loved one may not listen to family members.

When an elderly has been advised by his or her doctor to change their diet, focus on different types of foods, and avoid certain things, their adult children may be the ones helping support them. They may be much less inclined to want to listen to these children, whom they may still see in their own mind as their children, because of that relationship.

If, on the other hand, the elder is receiving information or advice, even encouragement, from an experienced home care aide, they may view that advice differently. They may be more inclined to listen to what they have to say, especially if they can point out specific examples from other clients with whom they worked over the years.

It’s important to be patient.

Family members may be concerned about their elderly loved one’s health and that can cause some impatience. In truth, patience is one of the most important aspects of a working relationship. If the family gets impatient, it can harm the relationship, making it that much more difficult to convince the elder to follow certain bits of advice.

If you or an aging loved one are considering home care, partner with the Sunrise elderly care leader, Responsive Home Care. We provide companionship, compassionate care and so much more. Contact us today at 954-486-6440.

Dietary Tips from “Blue Zones” Increase Longevity

What do Greece, Japan, Sardinia, California and Costa Rica share in common? Those who keep an eye on dietary trends that promote longevity know: each of these locations has been given official “Blue Zone” status for their startling high numbers of centenarians. As Americans all too familiar with greasy fast food diets, it’s well worth our time to take a closer look at what’s working to increase longevity in each of these regions:

  • Ikaria, Greece: Known as “The Island Where People Forget to Die,” Ikaria’s dietary staples include feta cheese, wild greens, potatoes, goats’ milk, legumes, honey, lemons, herbs and small amounts of fish
  • Okinawa, Japan: With the highest ratio of centenarians worldwide, their longevity-promoting diets include tofu, brown rice, bitter melons, mushrooms, green tea and garlic.
  • Sardinia, Italy: Boasting an unusually high percentage of centenarian men, this area’s longevity may be a result of a shepherding lifestyle, with a shepherd’s diet to match: goat’s milk, sheep’s cheese, fennel, chickpeas, almonds, tomatoes, wine and milk thistle tea.
  • Loma Linda, California: A particular religious community makes the grade through a “Biblical” diet of fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts, and drinking lots of water. Dietary choices specifically promoting longevity include beans, oatmeal, salmon, soy milk and whole wheat bread.
  • Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: Corn, squash and beans, along with bananas, peach palms, papayas and yams top the list of staples for this Meso-American culture.

To learn more, check out The Blue Zones, authored by Dan Buettner of National Geographic.