An older man struggling with Parkinson’s symptoms holds the hand of his caregiver as she gives him a hug.

The Parkinson’s Symptoms You May Not Have Expected

When most people think about Parkinson’s disease, tremors or difficulty moving likely come to mind first. However, if you are caring for a family member with Parkinson’s, you’ve probably noticed they’re dealing with so much more than just movement issues. Non-movement Parkinson’s symptoms, like cognitive changes, depression, and sleep problems, can have just as much […]

An older man considers whether to put on a clean shirt or to resist changing clothes.

Is Dementia Causing a Loved One to Resist Changing Clothes? Try These Tips!

It is a typical morning, and you’re helping Dad prepare for the day. You have selected a few options of outfits for him to choose from, but he balks and refuses to put on any of them. In fact, he’s been wearing the same clothes for a couple of days now, in spite of your […]

A caregiver who knows how to help older adults eat healthy tosses a salad for an older man.

How to Help Older Adults Eat Healthy All Year Long

With the holidays nearing, you might be thinking about festive meals and family gatherings centered around favorite foods and traditions. But what about the rest of the year? Is everyone in your family—particularly older loved ones—getting proper nutrition on a regular basis? While holiday feasts could be an exception, many seniors quietly struggle with malnutrition […]

A man who is managing COPD comorbidities uses an inhaler.

Understanding and Managing COPD Comorbidities

Watching an older loved one manage the daily challenges of COPD is not easy. You see them struggle with breathlessness and fatigue, and you want to do all you can to help. What you might not realize is that COPD often brings along other health conditions, known as comorbidities. Managing COPD comorbidities in tandem with COPD […]

A man who knows how important it is to involve your parents in decluttering their home works with his aging mother to pack up boxes.

Why It’s So Important to Involve Your Parents in Decluttering Their Home

You have finally made a decision to bite the bullet and start working on downsizing and decluttering your elderly parents’ home. As you begin sorting through the attic, you discover a box of old toys, stacks of family photos, a collection of forgotten letters. Each item holds a story, a little bit of history, and […]

A woman hugs her aging mother, wondering if she is at risk for inheriting Alzheimer’s.

Are You at Risk for Inheriting Alzheimer’s?

While you watch Mom having difficulty remembering your name or losing track of her daily routine, an unsettling thought might sneak into your mind: “Will I face this at some point too? Am I at risk for inheriting Alzheimer’s?” It’s normal to battle with the fear of facing similar issues as a senior loved one […]

A woman utilizes one of many effective dementia care tips by posting reminder notes on her refrigerator, pointing them out to an older man.

Effective Dementia Care Tips: Using Routines and Reminders

When it comes to Alzheimer’s, it’s the little things that can make a big difference. Simple, thoughtful routines and reminders can transform daily life for the individual, bringing moments of calm and clarity. They help the person maintain their independence while creating a comforting rhythm that both of you can rely on. Here are some […]

A woman who is feeling overwhelmed as a caregiver gazes out the kitchen window while holding a cup of coffee.

Feeling Overwhelmed as a Caregiver? It May Be Caregiver Burden.

Caring for a senior loved one is an act of love and devotion, but it can also feel like a nonstop marathon. The emotional highs of shared smiles and laughter can rapidly be overshadowed by the physical and mental fatigue that comes with constant caregiving. If you’re feeling overwhelmed as a caregiver, you may be […]

An older man peers into a cabinet with a confused look on his face, a common occurrence when someone with dementia is hiding things.

When Someone With Dementia Is Hiding Things: Tips to Help

We’ve all experienced that moment of utter panic when we cannot find our keys or wallet. It’s disorienting and frustrating. Now, picture this happening multiple times every day, coupled with an overwhelming sense of confusion and fear. This scenario is a common part of life for people with dementia. To make things even more unsettling, […]

Three older women who understand optimistic aging smile broadly.

Optimistic Aging: The Benefits of a Positive Outlook

Caring for an aging parent often means becoming their confidant and cheerleader. It should never be just about managing medications or medical appointments; you are enriching their life, making each and every day more meaningful. It is amazing what a big change an optimistic aging attitude can have on a person’s wellbeing, and in your […]