It sounds like something from a sci-fi movie: injecting blood from a young person into an aging, Alzheimer’s patient, and watching as renewed youth is awakened. But that’s exactly the outcome realized in studies of mice, which showed astounding brain cell growth in the area of the brain critical to memory and learning—the hippocampus. Perhaps just as incredible was the effect on the brains of the younger mice who received injections of older mouse blood, resulting in stunted neuron growth.

The first human trial is already underway on Alzheimer’s patients, led by Tony Wyss-Coray, neurology professor at the Stanford School of Medicine, with results expected by the end of the year. But what will the impact be if the study proves that young blood does reverse aging in humans? Practical applications may involve short periods of infusions to help older patients heal faster after a surgery, but there are many fears about the unknown impact of interfering with the body’s natural aging process.

Learn more by listening to Wyss-Coray at a recent TED conference.


It’s certainly no surprise that the aging population is exploding, and poised to increase exponentially over the next few decades. The statistics are staggering: 900 million adults age 60 and older currently worldwide, and expected to rise to 2 billion in the next 20-30 years.

The twist in thinking, however, lies in the demographics. While the impending impact on first-world countries is a given, the challenges ahead for less developed areas has been less explored. For example, take a look at some of these assumptions and the realities behind them:

  • Developed countries will be hit the hardest by aging challenges. Actually, according to Dr. Linda P. Fried, geriatrician and dean of the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, China’s population of elderly is about to surpass that of the U.S. It’s anticipated that by 2050, third-world countries will have shifted from a population of mostly younger residents to an equal number of young and old.
  • Cities are for the young. While cities have a long way to go in improving accessibility and age-friendliness issues, urban populations are steadily aging—by one estimate, up to 16 times more elderly in cities worldwide by 2050. The World Health Organization is taking steps to make life easier for seniors  in cities through its Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities project—such as reinstalling bus stop benches that had previously been removed in New York City.
  • Chronic diseases of aging impact the wealthiest nations. Surprisingly, it’s the less developed countries that are battling the most cases of diabetes and heart disease, along with diseases related to smoking and alcohol; and, the vast majority (88%) of health conditions related to environmental issues.
  • Families value the elderly in other cultures, so care is superior. In both Africa and India, for example, there’s an assumption that elders are revered and cared for by family members; but sadly, as many as one in five Nigerian elders require care from family, but are not receiving it. And, because of limited resources, family care that is available is “severely compromised,” according to Isabella Aboderin of the African Population and Health Research Center in Nairobi, Kenya.

Clearly, the effects of aging are reverberating around the globe, and thankfully, professional home care agencies, like Responsive Home Health, are positioned to provide the quality care and solutions needed for seniors today and into the future.


In today’s society, where the needs of children are top priority and where foster homes have replaced the antiquated idea of orphanages, there still remain those who are truly alone in the world and in desperate need of care and support: elder orphans.

As the baby boomer generation ages—a generation that, for the first time, often elected to remain childless—the numbers of elderly without family support are rapidly increasing. Research indicates that as many as 22% of seniors are in danger of becoming (or already are) orphaned. And with as many as 43 million seniors over age 65 in the U.S., it’s an alarming statistic.

Professor of Geriatrics at Florida State University College, Dr. Kenneth Brummel-Smith, believes that bringing caregivers into the home could be part of the solution. And one particular Medicaid-funded program, Money Follows the Person, takes it a step further, pairing disabled young adults in homes with senior orphans. Or perhaps other seniors could volunteer their support in a communal living environment, a trend that is beginning to take off in the United States.

Awareness of the issue is the first step, and the goal of Dr. Maria Torroella Carney, chief of geriatric and palliative medicine at North Shore-LIJ Health System, is to encourage aging care experts to implement new programs to provide the needed support for the anticipated surge in elder orphans.


Clinical depression is a serious disease, marked by some classic symptoms, such as guilt, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness and irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite, anxiety, sadness, and often thoughts of suicide. While many doctors are apt to prescribe medications like Zoloft right off the bat when a patient presents with these symptoms, the person could very well be suffering from something else entirely.

The same symptoms present in clinical depression are actually present in a variety of other medical conditions that require treatments other than antidepressants or therapy. Some disorders and conditions that can mimic clinical depression include a vitamin D deficiency, hypothyroidism, low blood sugar, dehydration, food intolerance, or even caffeine withdrawal. If you are concerned about a loved one who exhibits symptoms of clinical depression, ask your doctor if one of these could be the culprit.

Take a look at this article on six conditions that feel like clinical depression, but aren’t.


Having Alzheimer’s shouldn’t mean that a person must miss out on vacations and travel. However, for Alzheimer’s patients and caregivers, travel presents many challenges that must be prepared for in advance. First, it is important to decide whether or not travel is feasible.

For those who are unsure if their loved one can handle long travel, taking a “staycation” in a local hotel and eating out may be a good test. If you do plan a longer trip, arrange for special accommodations such as wheelchairs in the airport and early boarding for your flight. And don’t forget to allow time to rest while on your trip. Plan your activities around your loved one’s “best time of day” and allow him or her to rest often, as fatigue can amplify confusion and anxiety.

This article from the Huffington Post outlines more helpful tips for traveling with Alzheimer’s.

Responsive Home Care, the leading provider of dementia care in Hollywood, FL and nearby areas, is always here to help. Our caregivers are highly trained and experienced in effective dementia care techniques and are here to help either at home or on the go. Contact us any time for assistance!


Caring for a loved one as he or she ages can be a very rewarding experience, but it isn’t without challenges. Millions of Americans have taken on the role of caregiver for an elderly parent in recent years, and while your relationship with your parent may have always been great, constant caregiving and feeling like there’s a role reversal between child and parent can be extremely stressful. It is important for all caregivers to learn how to manage their emotions for their health and the health of their loved ones.

In the article Taking Care of an Elderly Parent―and Not Loving It? How to Turn Resentment Into Patience and Joy, psychologist Dr. Suzanne Gelb encourages caregivers to do three key things in order to manage stress and find peace in their caregiver role:

1. Release your feelings in a positive way, even if you just need to scream into a pillow.
2. Find and talk to someone else who understands your experience. Seek out caregiver support groups in your area or online.
3. Recognize that there are things you cannot control and let those things go.

Read more of Dr. Gelb’s advice for caregivers in this article from the Huffington Post.

Responsive Home Care can help you with caregiving for your senior loved one. Contact us to learn more about our trusted senior care services in Pembroke Pines and surrounding areas.


Be honest. Do you always take the medication your doctor prescribes? New research reveals some very surprising statistics. Approximately 30 percent of new prescriptions are never even filled, meaning that many patients are not following their doctors’ orders. This new study also shows that the majority of patients who are prescribed medications for chronic diseases either take less than they are prescribed or stop taking the medicine altogether after about six months. Also, less than half of patients on medication for high blood pressure adhere to their long-term treatment plan.

Improper medication adherence is an increasing problem in America, and one that is particularly hazardous for older adults. Many seniors are prescribed three or more daily medications, and not taking them can lead to a decline in overall health. Find out more about the benefits of proper medication adherence and the toll that not taking prescribed medications can take on your health in this article.

Responsive Home Care, the leading provider of home care in Pembroke Pines and surrounding areas, is dedicated to helping senior’s and their loved ones age in place well. Contact us for all of your home care needs.


Everyone knows a pet can help ease loneliness for an older adult, especially if he or she is living alone or has recently suffered the loss of a loved one. But did you know that a study by the American Geriatrics Society has shown pets can help lower senior’s blood pressure and score higher in their ability to carry out normal activities of daily living, as well as provide other benefits to senior health?

Responsive Home Care, expert providers of in home senior care in Fort Lauderdale and nearby areas, knows how important our clients’ pets are to maintaining their health and well-being. Our agency provides Pet Care exclusively for our clients when they need that extra assistance. The unconditional love of a clients’ pet can help them achieve a healthy and a happy heart!

Read more about how pets improve quality of life for senior citizens.

Many shelters offer discounts for seniors who want to adopt a senior pet. Be sure to ask at your local shelter.

For more information about how our top-rated in-home senior care in Fort Lauderdale and the surrounding area, can improve senior health for someone you love, contact us today!