Four Ways to Help Older Adults Maintain Dignity and Independence

Help Older Adults Maintain Dignity and Independence

Allowing seniors to make decisions for themselves is just one way to help older adults maintain dignity.

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of caregiving for an older adult you love. There’s so much to be done, and often it’s just easier and more efficient to do it all yourself, letting your loved one relax. After all, our elders have taken care of everything for a lifetime; don’t they deserve a break?

The reality, however, is that it is important to help older adults maintain dignity and independence by allowing them to do as much for themselves as possible, which creates a sense of purpose and meaning. And while ensuring safety is, of course, paramount, there are ways to empower a senior in your care to remain in control as much as possible. Check out these tips from Responsive Home Care, a leading senior care company serving Ft. Lauderdale and surrounding communities in Broward County:

  • Work together on tasks. While standing at the kitchen sink and scrubbing pots and pans may be difficult or unsafe for a senior, perhaps he or she can sit at the table and dry them. The senior may not be able to bake a cake from start to finish, but can mix ingredients as you reminisce about recipes made over the years. It may take a little thought, but it’s worthwhile to find ways to alter tasks to include the senior’s help as much as possible.
  • Allow for decision-making. Look for opportunities to ask for the senior’s input, allowing him or her to remain in control. Rather than assuming he or she will want a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch, ask. Before automatically accompanying the senior into the doctor’s office for an exam, ask if he or she would like you there. Having a say in even the smallest of decisions can make a big difference in self-esteem.
  • Ensure safety with respect. Safety is, of course, paramount, but there are ways to ensure a senior stays safe without overstepping boundaries. Medical alert systems, for example, are a great way to foster independence in seniors while providing them with the means to call easily for help when needed.
  • Partner with professionals. Some seniors balk at the thought of their adult children assisting them with personal care needs, such as using the toilet or taking a bath. A professional caregiver, who is trained and experienced in helping seniors maintain dignity while staying safe, is often a more agreeable solution.

Contact the aging care team at Responsive Home Care to learn more about our trusted in-home care services, always provided with the respect and attention to dignity seniors deserve. As the leading provider of home health services in Fort Lauderdale, FL and the surrounding area, we’re available for as little as a few hours each week up through and including 24/7 care. Call us at (954) 486-6440 today!