What Are the Best Ways to Help Your Loved One Keep Her Mouth Healthy?

Home Health Care Hollywood FL

Home Health Care Hollywood FL

Keeping your loved one’s mouth healthy can help her to stay healthy overall and continue to enjoy her life. If she’s having dental problems or pain, she might not want to eat, she might stop socializing, and her overall quality of life is greatly affected.

Brush and Floss Daily
Brushing and flossing has probably been a regular part of your loved one’s daily routine for a long time now. But health changes and potential memory issues could mean that she needs reminders now when she never did in the past. Your loved one might also stop brushing or flossing if she’s experiencing pain in her mouth. If you suspect that’s the case, you should check with her dentist right away.

Choose the Right Tools
The key to brushing and flossing being effective is to use the right tools. Make sure that your loved one has a soft-bristled brush that you replace every couple of months. Dental floss or other flossing tools are also essential. If your loved one has dentures or partial dentures, make sure that you keep cleaning products made for those appliances on hand.

Keep Regular Dental Appointments
Your loved one might feel as if now that she’s gotten to a certain stage of life, she doesn’t need to go to her dentist anymore. This belief is particularly strong with people who have dentures. The truth is that your loved one definitely still needs to see her dentist to make sure that there aren’t any health surprises in her mouth. Regular appointments also ensure that her dentures and partial dentures are still properly fitted.

Talk to Her Doctor about Medication Side Effects
Some medications can have side effects that impact your loved one’s oral health. They might cause dry mouth or problems with your loved one’s gums. It’s a good idea to talk to your loved one’s doctor about potential side effects with new medications before your loved one starts taking the medication. If you notice changes in her oral health, double check with her doctor about potential medication connections.

Deal with Changes Quickly
If you do notice changes to your loved one’s mouth, gums, and teeth, make sure that you address them quickly. Make an appointment with her dentist right away so that you can determine if there are other problems you need to know about.

Let your loved one’s elderly care providers know what her oral and dental care routines are in case they need to help her with them.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Health Care Services in Hollywood  FL to provide companionship, compassion and motivation, please contact the caring staff at Responsive Home Care. Call today 954-486-6440.